Pedro M. Santos

Professor Auxiliar, Universidade de Aveiro (link)
(Departamento de Eletrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática)

Integrated Ph.D. researcher, Research Centre for Embedded and Real-time Computing Systems (CISTER) (link)

Email: pss[at], pss[at]


Recent Projects

CMU-PT project FLOYD - 5G/SDN Intelligent Systems For LOw latencY V2X communications in cross-Domain mobility applications

Project Start/End Dates:Jan 2021 - June 2023

Reference/Funding: Call AAC no. 04/SI/2019 CMU-Portugal Large Collaborative Research Projects, Grant no. 045912

Project Description:Connected vehicles are set to become a pervasive reality in the upcoming years. Despite the emergence of this trend, providing seamless connectivity and computing services to vehicles reveals a challenging task, requiring coordinated work between numerous players and the integration of the respective technologies. FLOYD, a Research & Innovation (R&I) project led by Capgemini Engineering, has the main purpose of building such a technological stack for offering high-performance network/computation services to vehicular users. Through the collaboration between complementary R&I industrial and academic entities, FLOYD will enable the development, validation, and exploitation of a variety of components and technologies, addressing multiple unanswered interrogations between vehicular and network communications.

Partners: Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Capgemini Engineering (PT), Altice Labs (PT), Instituto de Telecomunicações (PT), CISTER Research Center (ISEP, PT), VORTEX Collaborative Laboratory (PT)

Work Description: PI at CISTER/ISEP

Eureka ITEA3 project MIRAI - Machine Intelligence for smart and sustainable planning and operation of IoT and Edge

Project Start/End Dates:Dec 2020 - Nov 2023

Reference/Funding:Eureka ITEA3, Call 6, Project n. 19034; Portuguese reference (ANI): call AAC no. 16/SI/2019 Projetos De I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia, Grant no. 69522

Project Description:The standard approach of IoT applications when leveraging cloud infrastructure to address constraints at the level of end and edge nodes is no longer viable, especially for applications with hard real-time requirements and increasing AI usage. This project will develop MIRAI Framework Building Blocks (MFBB) based on AI techniques in order to enable the smart and sustainable planning and operation of IoT and edge computing applications. This will supplement the traditional vertical scaling approach to the cloud with the horizontal scaling of IoT and edge computing applications amongst edge devices.

Partners (Portuguese): Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, CISTER Research Center (ISEP), NOS Comunicações S.A.


NORTE 2020 project RETINA - REal-Time support Infrastructure and Energy management for Intelligent carbon-Neutral smArt cities

Project Start/End Dates:Jan 2020 - June 2023

Partners (Portuguese): GECAD research center (ISEP), CISTER research center (ISEP)

Check my involvement in other projects in Bio & CV